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How complex inspections can be carried out on the VIEWAPP digital platform?

Inspections are an important part of the day-to-day operations of businesses and a lot depends on the quality of these inspections, as the results of the inspections are the basis for further decisions. For example, in insurance, the results of pre-insurance inspections are the basis for accepting or rejecting objects for insurance, and inspections of damaged objects are the basis for assessing the damage.

Each inspection is a certain scenario, in which all the requirements of the inspection company must be taken into account - what, how, fr om what angle and how much to film. There are quite a few disadvantages in offline inspections, one of which is the difficulty of carrying out remote inspections wh ere field technicians have to be sent, as well as the difficulty of carrying out inspections that are multi-stage and laden with many different details, such as inspections of specialised machinery, aircraft, boats, equipment and other items whose inspection scenarios will be much more complex than a car inspection scenario.

VIEWAPP digital inspections allow you to realise virtually any inspection scenario, as the platform initially uses a multi-functional constructor that can be used to generate inspection steps with any level of detail.

Imagine the relief, for example, of a leasing company that used to send a specialist to inspect specialised machinery in quarries, but now can simply access a scenario in the VIEWAPP app on a smartphone and the leaseholder's specialist will carry out the inspection on location, following the prompts at each step of the inspection. This digital inspection is many times shorter and cheaper than an offline inspection, as everything is automated and carried out remotely without the need to travel, and it also guarantees that there will be no errors in the inspection and that it will not have to be carried out again.

The entire process and the results of the inspection are protected from tampering and other manipulation by VIEWAPP security measures, which is important because another critical drawback of offline inspections is fraud, i.e. the manipulation of photos and videos.

The VIEWAPP script library already contains over 30 ready-made inspection templates, which means that it is possible to switch to digital inspections literally in 1 day and there are precedents for this, although more often it is necessary to make adjustments to adapt the script to the company's regulations. In this case onboarding can take from 2 weeks to 2 months approximately.

Among the most popular scenarios are such inspections as:

  • Pre-insurance inspection of a passenger car (insurance);

  • Pre-insurance inspection of a country house (insurance);

  • Fleet vehicle inspection (leasing);

  • Inspection of specialised machinery (leasing);

  • Production line inspection;

  • Cargo vehicle inspection (leasing);

Our application is used for inspections of aircraft fleets and helicopters, among others, and there are plans for inspections of yachts, boats and various vessels. It is therefore safe to say that VIEWAPP can handle inspections of any complexity.