Banking Industry
Banking Industry
Automate collateral inspections, effectively fulfil the regulator's portfolio valuation

Reduce the risks of poor quality collateral valuation.

Now you can inspect any type of collateral:
- cars
- truks
- specialised machinery
- equipment and production lines
- residential and commercial property
- ships and yachts
- helicopters and even aeroplanes
Get a Demo
Inspection of client’s property by the help of contracted employees
  • Expensive
  • A long time
  • Photo and location fraud
  • Unclear process
  • Non-flexible cases
Inspection of the required object by a client using the VIEWAPP
  • Profitably
  • Quickly
  • No any fraud
  • Simple process
  • Сustomizable cases
Digital inspections save money on moving to hard-to-reach locations
Digital inspection is 10 times faster than regular inspection
Text and graphic tips will tell anyone how to take photos right
Complete protection against photo and GPS-location fraud
ESG Declaration.
VIEWAPP adheres to ESG principles in its activities because it considers them an important contribution to global wellness, conservation and enhancement. The ESG principles imply environmental responsibility, a high level of social responsibility as well as high quality corporate governance. We encourage the use of VIEWAPP because the product and technology we create bring many ESG benefits to business operations and to people's everyday lives.
Health- and life-saving technology
Health- and life-saving technology
The importance of digital inspections became even more evident at a time of pandemic, when it was necessary to dramatically reduce all possible personal contact. But companies' activities also had to continue. Remote inspections helped to contain the pandemic and increased the comfort level of those who started using them. This is also our social responsibility.
Paperless technology
Paperless technology
Saves forests and thus helps keep the air clean, and the more VIEWAPP digital inspections are used around the world, the healthier our planet will be.
Resource-saving technology
Resource-saving technology
VIEWAPP are digital inspections that eliminate unnecessary and costly in-person inspections, often associated with multiple personnel movements, which means travel expenses, fuel and oil, working hours, electricity and much more that can be saved in a pinch.
Our partners.