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How do policyholders deal with VIEWAPP digital inspections?

Insurers' main arguments against self-inspections of insured objects by customers are that it is generally unsafe because of the high risk of manipulating the inspection materials, and that the inspection procedures are complex and mistakes will be made.

Indeed, these factors are very significant, which is why the innovative VIEWAPP digital inspection platform has taken them into account in the first place and has been thoroughly thought through in order to make digital inspections not only safe and in accordance with the insurance company's regulations, but also possible to be carried out not only by the insurer's staff, but also by policyholders themselves.

How has this been achieved?

  • Firstly, it is possible to create an inspection scenario for any object with any detail - this can be done using the scenario and form builder.

  • Secondly, VIEWAPP has a comprehensive security system built into the VIEWAPP platform, one of the components of which is checksum reconciliation, which prevents manipulation of inspection materials.

  • Thirdly, each inspection is equipped with the necessary prompts at each step to ensure that the inspection can be handled by any user.

In insurance, the most common inspections are car and property inspections (flats, houses) and they are not as complex in digital implementation and execution as, for example, aircraft or factory inspections, which are required for corporate insurance or leasing. But with VIEWAPP's capabilities it is possible and such super inspections have been done for a long time, bringing huge benefits to companies using digital inspections.

In fact, by delegating digital inspections to clients, business efficiency is increased many times over and clients are just as good at digital inspections as the staff of the inspection company. Our many satisfied customers are proof of that!