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How efficient is it to do without digital VIEWAPP inspections?
With the ubiquity of smartphones, it has become possible to exchange various data at enormous speed, including photos and videos.

This means that it is now possible to digitise many processes. But fr om idea to implementation, time is always running out and it takes time not only to put processes into applications but also to make them ready for use by any company, making them flexible and usable.

VIEWAPP, as a multi-purpose digital inspection tool, allows businesses to begin doing without the need for onsite inspections and audits. And most importantly - do so with protection against photo and video tampering or any other fraudulent manipulation.

The two benefits outlined above need to be disclosed in more detail in order to understand the full benefits of using modern digital inspection tools. What is an inspection in general? It is a set of activities to compile photos, videos and other materials in order to eventually obtain an opinion on whether the object of inspection meets the regulatory requirements for further manipulation with the results of that inspection. In simple terms, the inspection should confirm the condition of the object, its presence and conclude with some kind of summing up document (e.g. an inspection report).

If you do this procedure in person, it requires huge expenses for specialists, transportation, etc., and one inspection can cost a company up to 200 euros on average and more, and in time can take from several hours to several days, depending on the deployment between the inspector and the object. In our history of inspections, we have cases wh ere we have had to inspect facilities on other continents - for example, helicopters in Burkina Faso and Somalia, 6,000 km away from Moscow (for SberLeasing).

VIEWAPP revolutionizes the physical distance between the company and the objects inspected, because not only an on-site specialist can do the inspection, but also the person directly on the object, i.e. the insured in relation to the car that is put up for insurance, the lessee, who from time to time has to prove the presence and condition of the object to the lessor and in many other cases. The bottom line is that VIEWAPP digital inspections free up an enormous amount of energy, resources and money for the business. When there is a real opportunity to save many times over, it is short-sighted to pass up this chance and give the competitor an advantage. It is also important to consider the fact that many big-name banks, insurance and leasing companies are already connected to VIEWAPP and are operating successfully.

The question arises, why can't you just use a smartphone, take photos and videos and send them to the destination? The point is that you can do that, but then there is a risk of material substitution for fraudulent purposes, which is often encountered by insurers, for example, and the losses in such cases are quite significant. After all, it is often the high value objects of insurance that are manipulated by fraudsters and, if fraudulent attacks are not identified in time, you could lose millions. That is why VIEWAPP creates guarantees with a whole range of security measures to ensure that fraudulent attempts are detected and stopped.

Generally speaking, there are so many benefits of digital inspections that it is difficult to list them all, for example, large companies, say exporters, will find it interesting to see the coverage of their inspections deployed on a map, which can be used not only for analytics and systematisation, but also for visibility when demonstrating their services in order to increase competitiveness.

Customer loyalty is something that all companies fight for, and by introducing innovations such as VIEWAPP digital inspections, this loyalty is certainly enhanced, as dealing with a company that has modern service tools is much more pleasant than getting a negative reaction when dealing with a firm with old-fashioned services.

To summarise, without VIEWAPP, companies lose a lot in both money and efficiency compared to those who have already gone digital. It is similar to copying documents by hand or using Xerox.