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How is an off-site inspection carried out and why is VIEWAPP needed?
The inspection procedure is required for many purposes, for example there are widespread inspections of cars and property for insurance, leasing and collateral for banking and leasing purposes, and inspection expertise is required for valuation companies - these are the most common cases that are already successfully transitioning to digital inspections with VIEWAPP technology.

Traditional face-to-face inspections have some critical disadvantages:

  • Even the simplest and most closely spaced inspection is time-consuming for everyone involved - both for the on-site specialist and for the one providing the object of inspection.
  • Each face-to-face inspection is accompanied by various financial costs (transport, staff payroll), which costs the company a substantial budget item.
  • In the case of a face-to-face inspection, the photos and videos produced can easily be replaced or tampered with, as no specific controls are in place.
  • The routine inspection procedure can be disrupted through ignorance and another or more iterations will be required.

VIEWAPP digital inspections cover these and many other issues, as the inspection scenario is written according to company regulations with step-by-step prompts and digital inspections are several times cheaper. Inspections are protected by several security tools and are instantly uploaded to the server for further processing, bypassing the manual transfer stage.

Let's look at an example of an on-site inspection of a country house for evaluation purposes. The on-site specialist had to travel out of town in person, overcoming not only a distance of 40 kilometres fr om the capital, but also a checkpoint which requires a special pass to get through - that is, both the inspector and the house owner had to expend effort to arrange a meeting.

Then both participants of the inspection had to walk around the house together for forty minutes, because the on-site specialist knows how and from what angles to shoot everything, but does not know the house itself and can easily miss a couple of rooms or not notice the huge fireplace, which happened. And the owner doesn't know how and what to shoot, but he knows his house and can show and tell everything, what is built or made of what.
Then the on-site technician must again spend time travelling back and put everything he has filmed out for later examination.

This is not the case with VIEWAPP digital inspections: the field technician or the owner themselves, most efficiently, installs VIEWAPP and does the digital inspection, following the instructions. The photos and videos are sent directly to the server, wh ere they are further assessed, cutting the distance from the inspection to the final inspection result in the form of a peer review. If the digital inspection is carried out by the property owner themselves, no onsite visit is required at all, and it would be a revolutionary leap in growth for the company.

The assessment is just one of many examples of the use of digital inspections, and even it shows perfectly that offline inspections will be a thing of the past in the very near future, so companies that are still in no hurry to think about digitalisation should definitely hurry up.