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How to connect to the VIEWAPP digital inspection platform?
VIEWAPP is a versatile digital inspection platform based on innovative technology that provides for the generation of any inspection scenario. This is possible because of the fact that the approach of creating scenarios from a universal constructor has been implemented from the outset, which allows for a high level of detail and elaboration of any inspections, audits, examinations.

Remote inspections are needed in many areas and the first users of the new VIEWAPP technology are companies in industries such as banking, insurance and leasing. In addition, new cases are constantly being developed that go far beyond financial activities, precisely because the versatility of the technology allows digital examinations to be embedded in almost any area of activity.

It does not take long for a company to switch over to VIEWAPP digital inspections and become connected to the platform. According to our statistics, the implementation process takes on average about two months. VIEWAPP is given trial access so that companies can carry out their first inspections and become acquainted with VIEWAPP from the point of view of the user, who carries out the inspection, the inspector, the producer and the evaluator and how it interacts with each other from start to finish, for example with digitally signed documents and expert assessments.

A test period helps to evaluate the benefits of digital inspections in action:

- A modern digital service;
- Optimisation of the cost of handling the case;
- Increased operational efficiency;
- Fraud protection, to name but a few.

In order to enable a company to smoothly adapt its business processes to the new VIEWAPP digital inspection technology, a pilot project is launched - a trial run to practice and fine-tune the entire interaction mechanism and to adapt the inspection scenario to the company's evolving requirements and nuances. After the pilot, the remote inspections are further scaled up to meet all the company's needs.

VIEWAPP's speciality is that it is possible to use the VIEWAPP application itself or a branded assembly and also to integrate VIEWAPP into your own developments - it all depends on the client's wishes and current situation.
The cost of implementing VIEWAPP is regulated by the current price list, which offers different subscription or payment options depending on the company specification and the number of inspections - there is an option for every business. With any connection option, a company will save at least 50% of its inspection costs - this has been proven in various businesses that have been using VIEWAPP digital inspections for a number of years.