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How to make an evaluation of flats and houses with VIEWAPP?

Digital inspections are in demand in many areas of business, but in this material we will look specifically at the work of valuation companies who have to draw up and submit valuation reports on various properties. Traditionally, the evaluation business is based, among other things, on visits by specialists who, as they say, "manually" do all the necessary gestures. However, this process is practically a thing of the past, as there are tools that allow you to do a complete inspection cycle in a modern level, complying with the requirements of those companies - clients of inspections, which then use the data fr om the digital inspection for further procedures.

And while the use of offline inspection technology is still prevalent, more and more businesses are turning to digital solutions to make their processes modern, which is the case with evaluation companies, who previously had to send their staff on site to inspect properties, such as flats or houses, to obtain their exact value for the purposes of granting a loan. The information then had to be 'uploaded' to a server in some way (via flash drive or internet download) and this took time and was not a secure way of transferring the information.

Nowadays, technology allows inspection and evaluation to be carried out by completely different methods, wh ere even the presence of on-site specialists may not be necessary at all. Yes, it is a revolutionary approach that not only financial institutions but all others are gradually moving towards, because it is becoming not only the norm and good practice but also an accepted standard to conduct some activities with minimum efforts and significantly reduce costs.

Remember the time when you had to walk to the grocery store and spend a lot of time and energy on it, whereas now you just have to open your smartphone and type the products you need to have, for example tonight, into the 'basket' on the screen. It's the same with digital check-ups: whereas in the past you needed a specialist to come out, make an appointment with, spend your time with, and spend that time together to oversee the process, now you don't need to do that at all.

Because VIEWAPP is already scripted with all the steps you need to do and the action itself takes on average 10-15 minutes, which everyone is able to devote to it. Of course, there will still be the urge to do things the old-fashioned way with a call for 'wizards' and there will probably be a period of transition, but eventually this will all come to naught and become fully digital and ideally carried out by the end-users themselves.

VIEWAPP provides the following possibilities for the client company to carry out an inspection for evaluation: a scenario is written into the web platform as required by their regulatory requirements, and then the inspection is carried out either by an onsite specialist or by the user himself (this depends on the technological development of the company) via the VIEWAPP application. It is probably true that in the near future, more and more end-users will be happy to have an app on their smartphone in order to be able to inspect their flat or house for an evaluation altogether autonomously and spend as little time and effort as possible on it.

VIEWAPP's digital platform already contains standard inspection scenarios, e.g. 'Apartment Inspection', 'House Inspection', which can be adapted to meet the requirements of the inspecting companies if necessary. Regarding property inspections for evaluation purposes, the scenario will take into account the following steps (to illustrate, let's take the example of an inspection of a 5th floor flat):

  • Inspection of all interior rooms,

  • Floor hallway and open door,

  • The floor itself,

  • Ground floor and entryway,

  • The house from the outside,

  • Video of the address plate on the house,

  • Video of the entrance to the lift/stairs to the floor, then entering the flat and going through the rooms.

This gives a complete overview of the object, with video proofing, and all materials are secured against tampering by the security measures at the heart of VIEWAPP inspections.

The scenario to be written out will have the necessary tips on exactly how to picture at each step. As a result, after all the steps of the inspection are passed, the generated photos and videos will be uploaded to the server without any need for additional actions for uploading information, and will be immediately available for further regulatory evaluation activities - report writing, examination and other things.