Investor Day from the Acelera Startups took place in an online format on 28 November 2024. This extremely useful event is designed to connect high-potential startups with representatives of the investment world for further interaction. This Investor Day was focused on the strategic sectors of healthcare and banking/finance. VIEWAPP was primarily interested in presenting its digital inspection technology of any complexity for banking and insurance. These sectors are currently innovating at a rapid pace and are keenly interested in urgently solving their digital queries.
VIEWAPP completed an acceleration programme from Acelera Startups (financed by Spain's Escuela de Organización Industrial (EOI) through financing from the European Union's Next Generation fund and under management of IMPACT Accelerator), The programme offered a comprehensive experience, including a training bootcamp, individualised mentoring sessions, specialised support on topics like primary market research, financing, and investment, along with opportunities to network at dedicated events.
For VIEWAPP, the programme proved to be extremely insightful, especially in terms of mentoring and in-depth work on landing a startup.
Investor Day - as an extension of helping startups find useful connections and funding, is almost a necessary element of further development. During the presentation, our speaker, VIEWAPP CEO Alexander Fokin, received feedback from the participants that the area we are addressing in terms of speeding up the claims settlement process is of maximum interest and demand, and that our presentation will be sent out to interested parties for study and further interaction.