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VIEWAPP digital inspection platform functionality update

Dear colleagues and partners!

We continue to improve the VIEWAPP platform, adding functionality that makes the digital inspection process even more convenient and accurate.

In this issue of the upd ate digest, we will tell you about new features that will help you get more detailed information about inspection locations and make more informed decisions, as well as counteract fraud.

Layers on the map

Introducing the new ability to sel ect and analyse layers on the map. This new feature opens up additional tools for verifying completed inspections and allows you to work more efficiently with map information.

As part of the verification of a completed inspection, when working with the Inspection Location section, it is additionally possible to sel ect the layers of the displayed map.


  • 4 types of map layers,

  • as well as 3 types of satellite images.

Depending on the specific location, different layers may contain different information about the environment. Viewing several options at once serves for additional double-checking and allows you to analyse the information about the terrain in the most complete way.

Neighbouring Inspections

It is important to be able to get the most complete view of the terrain and the site during the inspection process. However, data fr om satellite images or panoramas may not be sufficient, especially in remote, rural areas.

In this update, we are pleased to introduce the Neighbourhood Inspections feature. This tool not only increases access to information, but also gives you the ability to track changes to an object over time, making the inspection process even more accurate and in-depth.

By activating the Neighbouring Inspections feature, you can see other inspections within an 800 metre radius that have ever been done in the company and are available for viewing. You can navigate to each of these inspections and explore the photos and videos. This functionality is vital for inspections in places where there are clusters of similar or very alike objects, for example, in cottage settlements under construction, where houses look like a copycat and there is a possibility of passing off one object as another.


Fraud protection is a priority for VIEWAPP's digital inspection platform and we traditionally focus on this issue. Artificial Intelligence is a powerful tool that opens up new opportunities to improve the reliability of data and is involved in a new feature called ‘Anomalies’.

A new security feature, collectively called Anomalies, signalling potential problems, has been developed to increase the awareness of staff involved in the verification of completed inspections.

Anomalies is a se t of neural networks that analyse the totality of collected metadata - geolocation, phone movement and other data - and identify suspicious actions of the performer within the inspection. The system will prompt various points, including informing that photos are taken fr om the screen of another device and are not real.

The anomaly block is an aid to the examiner's decision making, but does not serve as a final indicator of problems. The final decision is made taking into account all available data on photos and videos.

To activate anomaly tracking, administrators need to include this block in their inspection schemes. More detailed functionality of Anomalies is not to be described as part of anti-fraud.

Expect more updates and improvements to the VIEWAPP system in our next issues!