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VIEWAPP digital platform: the transition steps

Digital inspections of any complexity have become possible with VIEWAPP - a web platform where any company can run its own inspection scenario or use an existing script, and carry out remote inspections, audits and monitoring using the VIEWAPP app, either for its own staff or directly with the end-user.

VIEWAPP digital inspection application has a smart and user-friendly interface with hints and prompts at each step of the inspection process, making inspections quick and easy.

To make the transition to digital inspections at VIEWAPP, a company needs to take several steps.

  • First, familiarise yourself with the technology by obtaining information materials in the form of an application screen guide and a presentation tailored to the company's specialisation. If necessary, have an introductory meeting with the VIEWAPP team, where questions can be answered and further steps can be agreed.

  • Secondly, get a free trial access to VIEWAPP WEB+APP in order to evaluate the benefits of the new technology and to see, whether any adaptations to the test scenario will be required or whether the new service will be ready to go live.

  • Thirdly, check the price list of VIEWAPP or the individual offer, depending on the size of the company and the amount of consultancy required for implementation, and compare the cost of conversion to the currently available cost per face-to-face inspection. This gives a clear indication of how much more efficient digital inspections are compared to face-to-face ones.

The next step is to launch a pilot project for a final 'test run' at a specific site, department, volume, etc., with final adjustments recorded so that the final scaling up to the full scope of inspections can proceed.

During the implementation of VIEWAPP, company staff not only learn a new application, but also realign their activities with this innovative tool, which ultimately frees up not only finances, but also the working time of all employees involved in the inspections, who are usually not only the field staff, but also those who then conduct the inspection and examination of the results of the inspections.

Digital inspections have a number of benefits: faster and safer inspections with built-in protection against fraud, cost savings in varying degrees depending on the depth of product implementation (in-house inspections with VIEWAPP or direct delivery of digital inspections to end-users - clients, for example).

The convenience of VIEWAPP is in its flexibility and ease of deployment, allowing the transition without staff trauma or revolutionary changes to business processes. Digitalisation is a global trend, spurred also by the wave of artificial intelligence, which is bringing about powerful and rapid transformation, and those companies that are at the forefront of progress will be the first to reap all its benefits and far outpace everyone else.