One of the main goals of a business is to make a profit fr om its operations, and as a rule, companies are in a continuous search for various solutions that allow them to optimise their processes in order to increase profitability.
As it is well known, optimising a business can be done by increasing sales and reducing costs. Both are quite difficult to change with entrenched business processes and business structure. Therefore, very accurate but maximally effective solutions are needed that can not only change the structure painlessly, but also positively influence further growth.
In the field of inspections, VIEWAPP is just such a key that opens the door to a smart transformation of offline inspections into a digital service that not only removes unnecessary costs fr om the inspection process, but also triggers a mechanism to accelerate transactions, make sales, make decisions and ultimately, increase profits.
Since VIEWAPP is a B2B technology, our base users are inspection companies. An inspection company can be any business wh ere various inspections are present on a regular basis and in a meaningful quantity:
Insurance companies with inspections of any kind for underwriting or loss adjusting purposes
Banks and valuation companies for inspections of collateral or assessment items
Leasing companies for monitoring of leasing objects
There are many VIEWAPP use cases and we continue to explore new areas, such as inspections for telemedicine, which is currently developing at an astonishing rate.
What happens when company connects to the VIEWAPP digital inspection platform?
When a company decides to go digital with their inspections, they get the following options on the VIEWAPP platform:
A personalised account on the platform with access to ready-made inspection scenarios with the ability to use them immediately, as well as customisation of inspection scenarios to suit their own requirements.
A platform for expert work with inspection results, a point of management and control of inspection scenarios. This is wh ere all analytics are consolidated and automatic inspection reports (inspection act, expert report, etc.) are generated.
A role model that allows to manage rights and access of different subjects and officials for precise distribution of opportunities during inspections. This allows not only assigning inspections, sharing inspections, conducting complex multi-object inspections by several inspectors simultaneously, but also full control over all admitted persons.
A personal VIEWAPP manager of customer success who will go into all the specifics of the company's inspections and assist in the transition and successful implementation of VIEWAPP - such patronage is good for system deployment and general communication between all participants in the process.
And companies can feel that business efficiency has increased, and profit after it, already at the moment of piloting, when they clearly see that instead of several days for offline inspections, digital VIEWAPP takes minutes, and when digital inspections are put on stream after piloting, the financial return from digital inspections starts to increase many times over.
In addition to reducing the time to conduct inspections, unnecessary spending on outbound visits goes away, because eventually companies evolve to the point of handing over VIEWAPP inspections to their customers.
This is safe, and opens another door - protecting against fraud and cutting off the flow of fake objects. Fraud is a big itchy wound for many companies, for example, insurers are hit hard by fraud attacks. We know how to treat and prevent it. Accordingly, timely detection and neutralisation of losses from fraudsters means no money lost, and therefore, profits saved.
So, VIEWAPP knows how to increase the profitability of businesses from several directions at once - reduce costs, increase sales, prevent losses. And this is a very strong argument to accelerate the transition to digital inspections for those who are still looking in this direction.