We are pleased to present a video of our presentation at ITC DIA Europe in Amsterdam, introduced by VIEWAPP Founder and CEO Alexander Fokin.
ITC DIA Europe is always a great opportunity to bring innovative ideas to insurance market participants who are in search of effective digital technologies. The digital world dictates its own rules and requires quick solutions, and ITC DIA Europe brings together innovators and insurance companies for successful, mutually beneficial collaborations and partnerships.
For VIEWAPP, the ITC DIA Europe in Amsterdam is our second successful experience in presenting the possibilities of digital inspections. This time we presented the benefits of remote inspections with fraud protection with a focus on corporate insurance. Insurers dealing with industrial and commercial risks are in dire need of digitising their inspection processes, but can mostly only get partial digitalisation.
VIEWAPP's capabilities create advantages in that they can inspect any object, not just autos, houses or flats.
Corporate insurers inspect objects such as:
- Specialised machinery
- Factories
- Industrial lines
- Offices
- Warehouses
- Aircrafts
- Helicopters and much more.
With VIEWAPP, digital inspections of commercial and industrial facilities will be carried out according to pre-constructed scenarios, and the inbuilt security system will ensure the authenticity of the data. All of this allows you to not only carry out inspections with your own staff, but also outsource inspections to your clients and do everything remotely. Obviously, reducing the cost of physical visits and cutting off the flow of fraud will give a massive boost to the economics of the insurance business and a jump in growth.
We invite you to watch Alexander's presentation at this link https://www.itcdiaeurope.com/dia-tv/video/show-tell-viewapp-itc-dia-europe-amsterdam-2024/ and look forward to your questions or request for a demo!