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Which is better for digital inspections: in-house or VIEWAPP?

The need to conduct regular inspections varies from company to company, and many are experiencing an ever-increasing need to digitise the process, as this is a global trend that cannot be ignored. In addition, digitisation brings with it benefits that take a company to a completely different, more efficient and higher quality level of operation, which gives even more impetus to finding a solution to digitise inspections quickly and efficiently.

For digitisation of inspections, there are several ways to go from developing a tool on your own to using an ready-made solution - the choice depends on the company's ambitions and capabilities, its willingness to invest in the development of a new technology with all possible consequences, both success and failure, or to proceed with the implementation of a ready-made tool. Both will certainly require financial and organisational investment, but clearly a tool that has already been developed and used successfully by other companies will be much cheaper and less energy intensive to implement.

The advantages of the VIEWAPP digital inspection platform, which consists of a web platform and is supplemented by a smartphone app, are, firstly, that onboarding can be carried out quickly, as a sufficient number of different typical inspection scenarios have already been created and can be used immediately. Secondly, you can make changes to the scripts as required, thus adapting them to the specifics of your business processes - the creation and adjustment of inspection scripts is available for all complex and detailed inspections, as the principle of a universal constructor was originally incorporated into the scenario creation when the platform was created.

VIEWAPP can also be integrated into existing applications, which makes VIEWAPP an even more attractive option for the rapid digitisation of inspections - for example, many insurance companies already have their own historical applications that they want to continue working with.

VIEWAPP can be tried right away with a test access and you can see for yourself how the software works, how user-friendly the interface is and how easy it is to navigate, as well as familiarise yourself with how the WEB platform is structured and how the expert specialists then work with the results of the inspections after receiving them - the WAW effect is guaranteed!